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HomeP-2018 CAWDA Breed Award Winners New

Congratulations to our 2018 CAWDA Breed Award Winners!

2018 High Point American Paint Horse
I’ll Be A Scarlet Moon

Owned & Shown by Cynthia Collins
Sponsored by Luna Tunes Freestyles

Wiens-Myte Please 2018
2018 High Point American Quarter Horse
Myte Please

Owned & Shown by Bob Wiens
Sponsored by Crazy Eye Photography

2018 High Point American Sport Pony Winner
Fantasma's Moonshine

Owned & Shown by Rebecca Hayes
Sponsored by Sponsored by Professor Rebecca Hayes
American River College

Mattos-Ingrato JLE 2018
2018 High Point Andalusian
Ingrato JLE

Owned & Shown by Leanne Lloyd Mattos
Sponsored by Dressage AF on behalf of
Leanne Lloyd Mattos Equine Enterprises

Casalett-Aurora MR ++//
2018 High Point Arabian Horse
Aurora Mr ++//

Owned by James & Karen Ernst
Shown by Danielle Casalett
Sponsored by Katrina Sanders & Slade V

Haining-Luna Nueva-2018-2
2018 High Point Azteca/Andalusian Cross
Luna Nueva

Owned & Shown by Brandie Haining
Sponsored by Susanna Thompson

Sutton-Excalibur Elites Equine Entertainer 2018

2018 High Point Gypsy Vanner
Excalibur Equine Elite's Entertainer

Owned by Judith Malkasian
Shown by Stacy Sutton
Sponsored by Vineyard Oak Dressage

Walsh-Countess Continuet 2018

2018 High Point Oldenburg
Countess Continuet


Owned & Shown by Kerri Walsh
Sponsored by North Star Farms

2018 High Point Palomino Winner
Zips Vanilla Belle

Owned by Sandra & Robert Ogden
Shown by Carole Perkins
Sponsored by Sandra & Robert Ogden

2018 High Point Rescue Horse


Owned & Shown by Michelle Pritchard
Sponsored by Wilma Horvath on behalf of the International Rescue Horse Registery

Tahi-Show Me the Money

2018 High Point Thoroughbred Winner
Show Me The Money

Owned & Shown by Mea Tahi
Sponsored by Sandra Ogden


2018 High Point Zweibrucker Winner

Owned & Shown by Debbie Correia
Sponsored by The Descon Company

Sunglass headshot square

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California Western Dressage Association

785 Tucker Road #G410
Tehachapi, CA 93561